Outside the box 2014

Hosted by Musings of a Book Lover

Rules in short: to read and review books outside our comfort zone, that fall in one of these categories:

Classics are the new black – read a classic novel
It’s a serial thing – you’ve read the first in a series (or even three of them), it’s time to read another!
Lost in translation – time to read a book that was first written in another language and then translated.
It’s about time! – read a book that has been sitting on your shelf for at least two years! (and haven’t read it yet!)
By the numbers – read a book with a Number in the title
Weird Science! – read a book that features some form of science – and maybe discover an untapped passion.
I just love a good Duet – a book written by more than one author.
- The Secret of the Orange Cat - Z.K.Slaby and others
New Guy in Town – read a Debut book written by a new author.
Almost Human – read a book from the perspective of an animal – or an alien – or a robot! (at least feature an ‘almost human’)
 The Host - Stephenie Meyer
Chunkster-time! – read a book that is longer 500 pages. (Time to dust off War and Peace)
Random Rescue – go to a used book store and RANDOMLY pick a book! (could even be from a grab-bag)
Under-Aged Writer – read a book by an author who is not yet 21. Here's a little help.
Time for exercise – read a book that is set in or around a sport or exercise activity (like yoga or baseball). This can be fiction or nonfiction!
Make-Believe - This category is just for YOU! (and anyone who wants to try it!) Here is your chance to let others know what would get you outside of your Comfort Zone!

 This year I like the themes much much more! So tho I like to say that I prefer thinking in the box because it is BIGGER ON THE INSIDE, this time I sign up for: Look at me, outside my comfort zone!:  8-10 categories

 "Вън от кутията"

... и извън зоната на комфорта. 

Правилата накратко: да поразчупим навиците си и да прочетем книги, попадащи в различни категории от изброените по-горе. Като цяло моята книжна зона на комфорт е доста широчка и доста от темите са ми присърце :) Но ще видим какво ще мисля на края на годината. Записах се за ниво "Виж ме, виж ме, вън от комфортната ми зона!" - 8-10 категории.
  1.  Книга, написана от повече от един автор -"Тайната на оранжевата котка" - З.К.Слаби и др. 
  2. Make-believe -  "Котаракът и черният нарцис" - Ал Торо - книга-игра, жанр, в който засега съм пълно нюби :)
  3. Почти човек - книга от перспективата на извънземно, животно или робот -  "Скитница" - Стефани Майър


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