Review requests and info for authors

For the moment I am not taking new review requests! Thank you all for your interest! I want to go through the copies I accepted in the last months. If all goes as scheduled, I should be open for requests again in mid-autumn.

Meantime, if you're holding a book promo, a cover reveal, or an event of a similar kind, you could still contact me, and I will do everything to help!

Hello and thank you for your interest in me reviewing your book! 

I read almost everything, and I mean it. I enjoy reading books from all age groups - children and YA as well as adult novels; full lenght novels as well as graphic novels and audiobooks. I like all subgenres of fantasy, romance, horror, fiction, mystery, adventure, action, detective. I do read erotica (including MM, FF, etc) if it is backed by story. I am less likely to read Self-help, coming-of -age/finding yourself type of stories, religious, memoir, but it strongly depends on the book itself.

 I read both paperbacks and e-books, but if you're out of Europe, e-book would be most reasonable :D All formats are ok, tho epub is slightly prefered. 

I post the reviews on my blog, on Amazon and Goodreads, and if you'd like, I can post it in Shelfari and Barnes and Noble.

If you organize a book tour, a cover reveal, or another event, and want Wanderbook to be part of it, I'll be happy to oblige. Drop me a mail with a date and the info you would like included in the post.

I reserve my  right to turn down a request if I deem it not my cup of tea - thank you for understanding.

I try to answer in a timely manner but the last few weeks have been busy which lead to me ignoring some e-mails. I apologize for this and will try from now on to be back on track!

You can contact me via comment on this post, on my e-mail address (ninniv at abv dot bg ) or on the facebook page of the blog.

Infor last changed on 17.08.2015

:D Ммм, не знам дали точно този конкретен текст има смисъл да го има и на български, но.... 
Ако сте писател или издател и  искате да промотирате книгата си и мислите, че пост тук би помогнал за целта, пишете ми. Ще се радвам много да помогна, особено ако сте роден писател. Последните години целенасочено търся родни творби и все повече се убеждавам, че такива има и в жанровете, които харесвам, но са сякаш скрити и им трябва повече гласност.
Eстествено, ако искате да промотирате преводна книга, едва ли ще ви върна :D (Ноо все пак трябва да кажа, че си запазвам правото да откажа, за да няма обидени :D )


  1. Hi,

    I visit your blogs and read some parts of it and thought you made some really great points. If you have a chance, please read and review my book if you are interested, titled " Enter The Monkey". Enter The Monkey is an exquisitely and often painfully soul-baring true life story. I think it might be of interest to your readers.If you do please let me know.



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