Guilty readings - a challenge of my own

As you know, I really got into reading challenges. The fact that I have a written goal in my blog helped me read more of my TBR, to try some new genres, to give a second chance to some authors. The whole past year I searched for a challenge that will help me with certain books but couldn't find. I checked a lot of the new challenges for 2013, and especially the "out of my comfort zone" type and found some very cute, but still not what I needed. Most of them focused on exploring new genres or choosing books on a random manner. So in the end, I decided to start one on my own and challenge myself. You are welcome to join, of course, I'll be very happy to have you!  r you can only drop by and say things like "Good luck" and $Go girl!" XD But anyway, welcome to my

There is a number of books I feel guilty about. Some of them are presents I recieved years ago, that aren't really my type - and I'm freaking out everytime I see the person who gave them to me, waiting for the "Did you like it?" I feel guilty of having prejudice about books and authors I've never tried. And all those classics I've never checked - aww the lingering guilt of being a bad reader!Books I've started but never finished. And that time I spent so much on that hardcover beauty, but still haven't opened it?

Ok, you get the picture.

So I challenge myself with the following rules:
  • to become more guilt free from January 1st to December 31st 2013. If you decide to, you can join anytime
  • to write a review to see was I really right or wrong about postponing the book. If you decide to join -feel free not to write reviews if you don't feel like it! Not obligatory! But if you do, you're more than welcome to share.
  • all kinds of books count (physical copies, e book, audio, short stories, poetry, graphic novels...)
  • it doesn't matter when you bought/received the book. But I will try to focus on titles that spent more time on my TBR pile
  • crossovers are more than welcome
  • no need to make a list - only if you want to
  • you don't need a blog to participate - you can link to elsewhere (Shelfari, goodreads, etc) or simply talk about your books in a comment. Or you can make a guest post :) If you have a blog, you can sign up in the Linky (scroll down under the translation)
Here are the levels:
Reluctant hero - read 1-3 books you for some reason feel guilty about
Eager for challenge - read  4-6 books you for some reason feel guilty about
Brave heart  - read 7-10 books for some reason feel guilty about

It's on you to decide what book guilt is! This is my first challenge, so I might be missing something.

I don't know if anyone else would join me, but knowing that I have posted this in a blog might just help me!

To love with eyes wide open - Jorge Bukay 
 Big red tequilla - Rick Riordan

От миналата година съм изключително зарибена по предизвикателствата - това вече го повтарях толкова пъти, че ако някой евентуално чете, сигурно му е омръзнало :))) Но докато обикалях, за повече от година така и не намерих книжно предизвикателство, което да ми помогне да отметна някои книги от списъка.

И най -накрая реших сама да се предизвикам. Ако някой реши да се включи - е изключително добре дошъл! Или може само да се отбиете да ми пожелаете късмет :))

"Виновното предизвикателство" е за всички онези книги, към които изпитвам вина, че още не съм ги прочела. Подаръци, получени преди години, които не са точно любимите ми жанрове и до които така и не стигам - и с ужас очаквам при всяка среща с човека, който ми ги е дал, да последва въпроса "А книгата хареса ли ти?". Заглавия и автори, които съм анатемосала, без да ги прочета даже. Класики, до които така и не стигам.... Схванахте картинката XD

Ако решите да се включите, ето правилата , по които ще си играя:
  • предизвикателството е от 1 януари до 31 декември.
  • аз ще се опитам да напиша нещичко за всяка от книгите, които прочета, за да видя дали съм грешала в мнението си за тях. Но това изобщо не е задължително.
  • всякакви книги се броят - като формати (книжен, електронен, аудио) без значение дали е проза, поезия, графична новела...
  • няма нужда от предварителен списък
  • ако нямате блог, може да пуснете линкове към друг сайт (Шелфари, Гудрийдс и т.н.) или просто да обсъдите книгата в коментар. Или да ми бъдете гост на блога и да публикувате тук :)
Измислих си три нива, които ще опитам да преодолея:
герой по принуда - 1-3 книги
Готов за предизвикателство - 4-6 книги
Смело сърце - 7-10 книги

Вие сами определяте как бихте разтълкували "вината си" :) Ако решите да се включите, ще се радвам

"Да се обичаме с отворени очи" - Хорхе Букай
 "Голяма червена текила" - Рик Риърдън
*Owl picture is for free use from

*Совата е от


  1. Well it looks like you have everything. Hrm, what is on my guilty list. People either know my taste or give me a gift card so I don't have anything there. I guess my pile in my night stand of books I bought at the clearance center would be a good start. I bought them years ago and have only read a few.

  2. This is a novel concept. I am signing-up for the Eager for Challenge level. Thanks for hosting.

  3. Can't wait to start the challenge! I certainly have enough books that will apply...

  4. Hi! I'll join your event after I compose a post.

    We were in the ghost ‘challenge’ together too. There’s nothing like it in 2013 (except one with a vampire category; not for me). I found a flexible paranormal one that needs a lot more people! The banner on my page has the link. ~Carolyn~


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