Wishlist Wednesday [1]

Wishlist Wednesday is a book blog hop where we will post about one book per week that has been on our wishlist for some time, or just added (it's entirely up to you), that we can't wait to get off the wishlist and onto our wonderful shelves. Hosted by Pen to Paper

I searched for a wishlist meme and i was very happy when I found one - but only one book, lol! Well it seems that this meme I'll be doing every week! I wondered which book to pick for my first Wishlist wednseday, bur after a recent talk with Tiki, I decided on...

  New Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko
I've been a big fan of the Watch sereis from the start. but I have to say I didn't expect a fifth book. But here it is, happy me!
Here is the Amazon blurb about the book

At Moscow airport Senior Light Other Anton Gorodetsky overhears a child screaming about a plane crash. He discovers that the child is a prophet - a supernatural being whose predictions come true if they are heard by humans. When the catastrophe is averted, Gorodetsky senses a disruption in the natural order, one that is confirmed by the arrival of a dark and terrifying predator.

From the Night Watch headquarters Gorodetsky travels to London, to China and across Russia in search of clues, unearthing as he goes a series of increasingly cataclysmic prophecies. He soon realises that what is at stake is the Twilight itself - and that he alone has the power to save it.
It came here in December 2012 but I see this English edition is set for May 2013. Do you want a spoiler from our cover's blurb, lol? Anton's little daughter, Nadya, wil get her share of the action (which is cool, because she was adorable saving her daddy last time!) and there is a mention that it the Twilight may hide more than anyone ever thought... up to even being alive itself...
Sorry if it's a spoiler for anyone, but it was on the cover and I couldn't stop myself!

This release is a hardcover, which means... not as cheap as I would like it to be (but still somehow bearable). This is the reason why I don't own it yet!

Any delicious new titles you're adding to the list?
 "Нов патрул" от Сергей Лукяненко

От корицата:
10-годишният пророк Кеша е на път да изрече своето главно пророчество, но е твърде смутен от новопридобитите си магически способности, а по петите му е тайнственият Тигър. Дали това е достатъчно, за да мобилизира всички Висши магове от московския Нощен патрул? Защо силите на Мрака нямат претенции към новия пророк? Какво всъщност представлява едно главно пророчество и защо то е толкова важно за Сумрака? Жив ли е самият Сумрак? Може ли да бъде победен? И как са замесени във всичко това Висшият маг Антон Городецки и неговата дъщеря Надя? Както и в предишните книги от поредицата за Патрулите, Сергей Лукяненко заплита спираща дъха интрига и поставя трудни въпроси за същността на Доброто и Злото и за смисъла на човешкото съществуване.

Аз съм фенка на Патрулите още от Нощния, и новината за нови, пети Патрул ме прати на седмото небе (да не се бърка с някой от слоевете на Сумрака - там е общо взето некомфортно и не ми се ходи). А с тези подмятания за участие на Надя (която беше очарователно сладуреста, когато спасяваше татко си в последната книга) и за Сумрака като живо същество ме изправиха на нокти.
Единствената причина още да я нямам на купчината за четене е, че тази книжка е с твърди корици и малко по-скъпа от колкото можех да си позволя при последното посещение - бях неподготвена XD Обаче ще ми отнеме време да превъзмогна факта, че този том ще ми развали поредицата - всичките ми други книги са от - доста по-грозно направените издания - с меки корици.


  1. I am not familiar with these series but I must admit that both covers are very very nice. Hope you will be able to read it soon :)

  2. I haven't read anything in this series, but they certainly sound good. I hope you get the 5th book soon :)

    new follower. My WW:

  3. I've been meaning to read a few of his books myself. I think I started on one but never finished. Hope you get the books soon!

    My WW

  4. I have not heard of either of these books, They sound interesting though :)

    My WW!

  5. I haven't heard of this series but it sounds interesting! :)



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