Guilty readings - reviews


Soo, I saw some of you who joined the challenge with me already making reviews for their guilty reads - which makes them so much more awesome than me - go, go, boys and girls!!! I decided to post a Linky here where you could gather all of your guilty related posts - reviews, wrap ups and such - in one place for everyone to check.

Good luck everyone, I'm looking forward to reading your blogs (maybe even more than my own "guilty reads, lol!)

След като за мое учудване и други хора се присъединиха в похода ми да отметна от списъка си за четене книги, за които ме гризе съвестта, последва и друга изненада - същите тези хора са се хванали здраво, и вече са прочели и ревюирали свои "виновни" книжки. Та по примера на другите, реших да пльокна едно Линки, и който иска да сподели постовете си. На мен май ще ми е по-интересно да прочета тях, отколкото собствените си "вини" (в момента се боря с Хорхе Букай, когото гимназията ми пробута)


  1. My reasons for feeling guilty about my first guilty read: I got this book as a free download on Amazon, which kind of made me question its quality. Now logically, I know that it makes sense for a new author to offer a first book free, to get people hooked, which is why I was feeling a bit guilty. It sounded good, but I’d been putting off reading it until now just because I didn’t have to pay for it. A bit stupid, as it was a great book!

  2. Yay! These comment forms hadn't loaded lately and I don't know your e-mail address! I would like to link my blog on which all of my finished reviews go. Soon, I will add an explation for why these books qualified for our theme. :) Warmly, Carolyn.

  3. Nina and everyone: the 3 new challenges that I am hosting are up today! :) I would be so honoured to have book fans joining with me and passing along the word. Yours Sincerely, Carolyn.

  4. Hi

    I have finished the challenge. Where do I link the wrap-up post? I had fun doing this challenge. Will you be hosting it again?


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