Show your shelves some love challenge 2015

Show Your Shelves Some Love: No Book Buying Challenge

Show Your Shelves Some Love, No Book Buying Challenge 2015. You got ‘em, now read ‘em!

Hosted by ChapterBreak and Second run reviews

The Guidelines

  • Abstain from spending money on books for one calendar year (or follow a monthly book budget).
  • Gift cards OK,  audible account OK, but no buying extra credits (Rose!!!)
  • Encourage other challenge participants via comments, social media and emails.
  • Participate in the monthly posts. (The link up post will go live on the first of each month and be open for 30 days.)
  • Library books do not count for this challenge. This challenge is mainly for books you already own.
  • Netgalley books can count for this because you have the book, so read it!

I sign up for 
Purple Belt  —->31-40 books: regular date night with your shelves

Last year I failed miserably the TBR challenge. I don't know wat happened, but I read only one tiny book from the pile. And as you can guess, the piles doubled their height.... and my wallet's getting thinner and thinner. I'll go for the monthly budget (and probablt asking for books only bday presents, lol) because I don't trust myself to abstain from buying.
For now I'm posting about I half of my phisical TBR pile. The rest of my books are at my place at university town and I'll photo them and add them when I go back.

My progress:
  1. Praise her, praise Diana - Anne Rothman Hicks and Kenneth Hicks


  1. What is the monster book on the bottom of the pile in the final pictures? That one looks so heavy!

    Glad to have you as part of the challenge.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  2. Ooh for a moment I thought I could read the titles because I recognized the alphabet, but I am familiar with Russian, not Bulgarian. Great piles of books, and wow I'm impressed by some of those big ones! Good luck and glad to have you on board with our challenge ;)

  3. Good Luck and thanks for joining our #Shelflove Challenge!!!


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