
Показват се публикации от февруари, 2015

#Shelflove: Let’s Talk about Finances

So this post is part of the No book buying challenge - Show your shelves some love - Hosted by ChapterBreak and Second run reviews The theme for February is Finance, but first, let's see how I did in January. Pretty good actually. January is an exam month, so usually I can't put much reading in it.  I got over 6 titles (but one of them was a short story) and 5 of them were from my TBR (and it was the short story that was new!) I listened to two Wodehouses from my audioTBR, two of my real life TBR (finally read The Hunger games! I had it for years! And now I'm dyiiiing because I don't have the rest yet!). Also, read one freebie from the e-TBR, and found out there was an additional free short story, so I read it too. And... no money spent for now! And since I'm writing this post in the middle of February, this means I'm getting itchy already! I still haven't thought of a real book buying budget. I'm joining all the guys and gals whoe never had one. ...

[book review] Praise her. praise Diana/ Величайте Диана

Title: Praise her, praise Diana Authors: Anne Rothman-Hicks and Ken Hicks Note: I received a copy directly from the authors in exchange for an honest review Pre-read thoughts: Just few months ago, I read my first book of the writing duo - Mind me, Milady - and was absolutely delighted with the complex and thrilling story. It was original, full of twists, and still engaging the reader and promptimg him to make a guess. So naturally, I jumped at the chance to read another. The story: The best selling author Maggie Edwards has announced her return after a long hiatus. But instead of the expected romance novel, the readers get someting much sharper and breath-taking. The contents of the story are more than enough to stirr the waters, but events get a sudden turn when someone starts copying the described murders. And it is only the start of a terrifiyng avalanche of personal secrets and  fear and violence from deep within the whole sosciety. And Maggie and her friend and la...

[book review] Charlotte's Soul/ Душата на Шарлот

Title: Charlotte's Soul Author: Danny C.Estes Note: review copy from Inkspand Pre-read thoughts: Last year by best friend read the Athina books by the same author and was pretty excited about it whic, along the annotation, prompted me to request the book. The story: Emprisoned for centuries, the with Charlotte Goodfield is finally free. She patiently waits till she gets hold of the new world she is on, but now it is time to respond. She starts a quest to find the half of her soul her brother took away before banishing her and in order to succeed she needs the help of a local police officer. But spent years in her evil brother's possesion, the half of Charlotte's soul and magic have become tarnished - what will happen when the young witch finally reaches out for her power? After-read thoughts: THIS IS AN URBAN FANTASY NOVEL WITH A FEMALE PROTAGONIST AND NO ROMANCE STORY Did I get your attention people? Well, it should be so...

Wrap up post: Gentle Spectrums 2014

Hosted by Riedel Fascination Gentle Spectrums is a two part challenge where the two parts can be done separately. The first, Limitless Pallet, is a colour coded challenge. . Here I did worse than planned. I had enough book to cover the challenge, just didn't get around to reading them. Since I didn't do well, I was planning to give up this part of the challenge in the 2015 edition of the challenge but in the end decided to try it just to see how far I will go. Anyway, here is the actual progress:   White Thirst - Mike Anka    The Secret of the Orange Cat - Z.K.Slaby and others   The Cat and the Black Daffodil - Al Toro  Two little girls in blue - Mary Higgins Clark ~~~ The second, Gentle Subjects, is, well, Subject themed. In the beginning I thought this will be the arder part of the challenge, but in the end I was able to fill all ten of the categories (1)  PLANTS trees, flowers, grass, gardening & crop-sowing refere...

Wrap up post: Ethereal 2014

Hosted by Riedel Fascination Rules in short: this challenge is about all things mystical and paranormal, but not supernatural. Which means angels and witches are yes; vampies and wolfies are not. Nice addition I found about half the way through the year was that all things fantasy are certainly welcome. I signed up for level Intuition - 5-10 books and here's my list of reviews. I added Stephenie Meyer's The Host tho I'm not sure it entirely belongs here. But it's not just about the alien invasion but about the human - and unhuman soul and how the two minds in one body interacted with each other, so it may as well fit. As for the rest, we have couple of angels in Earthwalker and Rebirth, and genies and other worlds in Pools. Heartless is the book of the Parasol Protectorate with most ghostly presence; and Ghost beach is the story behind a classic Goosebumps episode. Two little girls covers the twin connection phenomenon, and in Thunder we have bunch of animals talk...

Wrap up post:My kind of mystery 2014

Hosted by Riedel Fascination  This year's edition of the challenge just started so it is about time to report the result of last years! I signed up for level Secret Messages - 5-10 books. I'm so happy I managed to pull of 10 reviews (even if less would've been enough to cover the level). Most of the titles are straight to the crime/thriller genre, tho the challenge allows lots of freedom. More mixed-genre are only numbers 1,5 and 6. When you have "secret" in the title - of course there's mystery to be involved! :D As for the books from the Parasol Protectorate series - while all the books work around some kind of mystery, I picked only the ones where it's more important part of the story. In Changeless Alexia investigates the Godbreaker plague, and in Heartless lady Maccon is again on the move when a ghost informs her of a plot to kill the queen.   The Secret of the Orange Cat - Z.K.Slaby and others   The Cursed Cup - Lora Lazar  Mind me, Mil...

[book review]Very good, Jeeves!

Заглавие: Very good, Jeeves! Автор: П.Г.Удхаус Поредица: Джийвс #4 Бележка1: аудио книга, прочетена от Джонатан Сисъл Бележка2: поразрових се, но не можах да открия точен еквивалент на български на този сборник разкази, затова и го оставих с оригиналното заглавие Предпрочитно : Удхаус и особено неговите герои Джийвс и Устър, са едни от литературните ми убежища - ако не знам какво ми се чете, то с тях не мога да сгреша. Независимо под каква форма - книги, сериали, а сега и аудио - все са разкошни. Сериалът съм го гледала поне два пъти и признавам, че образите на актьорите от там са се запечатали в съзнанието ми и винаги ще виждам конкретния Гъси, конкретния Тъпи... и естествено, Джийвс и Бърти. Историята : "Много добре, Джийвс!" е колекция от 11 разказа, в които освен класическото дуо се появяват и много стари познайници.  Бърти за пореден път ще трябва да се изправи срещу лелите си; Боби Уикъм си е все такава луда глава; Тъпи се влюбва все по много неблагоразумен...

[book review] Brimstone/Огън от ада

Заглавие: " Огън от ада" Поредица: Пендъргаст #5; Диоген #1 Автори: Дъглас Престън и Линкълн Чайл д Бележка: аудио Предпрочитно : Тази година се зарибих по дуото Престън и Чайлд, от доста време горещо препоръчвано от баща ми. Тъй като взимах книгите от библиотеката, не може да се говори за поредност в начина, по който ги четях.  До първата от трилогията Диоген обаче така и не можах да се добера, и накрая реших да пробвам аудиото - тъкмо да чуя най-накрая прословутия южняшки акцент на Пендъргаст. Историята : Дяволът ходи по земята и краят на дните идва - или поне такива са слуховете след мистерозно убийство на художествен критик, оставило след себе си определено диаболични следи. Съдбата събира на местопрестъплението стари познайници - агент Пендъргаст и полицай Д'Агоста, а скоро към тях се присъединява и капитан Хейуърд.  Но докато те се опитват да намерят рационални обяснения, случаят става все по-необясним и свърхестествен и ги запраща да ровят назад във вре...

[book review] Сестри Палавееви в бурята на историята/ The Palaveevi sisters

Заглавие: "Сестри Палавееви в бурята на историята" Автор:Алек Попов Предпрочитно: Чини ми се, че това е пародиен роман, в една или друга степен. Когато четеш такъв, се предполага, че си донякъде запознат и с оригинала, т.е., в случая - партизански роман в цялата му прелест. Тъй като обаче имам този пропуск в читателската си кариера, реших да не се кося, а да постъпя рационално и да подхвана книгата, както бих всеки друг роман. Историята: Сестрите Кара и Яра са примерни момичета от богата фамилия, но когато светът е в разгара на война, те решават, че не могат да стоят кротко у дома и да следват заръките на родителите си. Те бягат от къщи и се присъединяват към отряд, скрит в горските дебри, без да подозират лавината от събития, която ще предизвика това. Следпрочитно: Останах много приятно изненадана. Не съм сигурна какво точно очаквах, но предполагам - нещо по-дразнещо. Опасявах се, че ще залитне твърде много в някоя посока, независимо коя - и резултатът ще е твъ...

My kind of mystery 2015

Hosted by  Riedel Fascination I was checking the button and suddenly was like "Ohmygod there's someone behind the curtain!" Anyway, to the point. It is a bit different from the rest of the reading challenges going - let's begin with the fact that it started just a week ago, on Feb 1st and will continue till the same date next year. The reason for it is the rush people feel around the holidays and the beginning of the New Year, so our hostess decided to accomodate us this way :) The challenge covers a wide variety of themes and as the restricition from last year are gone, it should be fairly easy. Reviews are mandatory, but as one of my goals is to write more reviews - especially through the year, I hope this will be helpful rather than  an obstacle. This challenge - along with the rest of the trio - is packed with activites along the way, and prizes for everyone taking part. I was lucky to be a winner of some, and can assure you they fly all ov...

Gentle Spectrums 2015

    Hosted by  Riedel Fascination   Reviews: mandatory    For a second year, theGentle Spectrums challenge is taking place! It is a bit different from the rest of the reading challenges going - let's begin with the fact that it started just a week ago, on Feb 1st and will continue till the same date next year. The reason for it is the rush people feel around the holidays and the beginning of the New Year, so our hostess decided to accomodate us this way :). Reviews are mandatory, but as one of my goals is to write more reviews - especially through the year, I hope this will be helpful rather than  an obstacle.  The rules say even a line in Goodreads is enough, but my aim is for full bodied reviews. Talking about Goodreads, this challenge has a group there so you can join and duscuss what's going on! This challenge - along with the rest of the trio - is packed with activites along the way, and prizes for everyone taking par...

Ethereal 2015

Hosted by  Riedel Fascination For a second year, the Ethereal  challenge is taking place! It is a bit different from the rest of the reading challenges going - let's begin with the fact that it started just a week ago, on Feb 1st and will continue till the same date next year. The reason for it is the rush people feel around the holidays and the beginning of the New Year, so our hostess decided to accomodate us this way :) The challenge covers a wide variety of themes and as the restricition from last year are gone, it should be fairly easy. Reviews are mandatory, but as one of my goals is to write more reviews - especially through the year, I hope this will be helpful rather than  an obstacle. This challenge - along with the rest of the trio - is packed with activites along the way, and prizes for everyone taking part. I was lucky to be a winner of some, and can assure you they fly all over the world! Reviews: mandatory This challenge inlucdes: ...