[book review] Disconnect
Title:Diconnect Author: Imran Siddiq I had pretty much no idea what to expect when I chose the book - actually this was my first dystopia themed read as far as I remember. So what made me do this rather unusal pick? First of all the cover - it was love from first sight. Seeing it exactly when I was getting tired of covers with photoshopped images, and the catch phrase "Ïn space, love has boundaries" made me fall from the book even before reading it. And I'm happy to say, that after reading it, I loved it even more. Zachary found a special place in my fangirl list. He is exactly the type of main character I love reading. The reluctant hero, the one who doesn't want to get into adventures or dangers in any kind, who just wants to set his own world straight. This young scavanger doesn't want to get involved into anything, but he doesn't back up when he's forced into it. He was weak sometimes, strong when he had to, and even adorable and cu...